HeRe are the 13 PeoPle U DoN't wANt @ a ParTy
(Everyone can be at least one of these characters from time to time)

2. Debbie Downers... These people can't appreciate anything, They complain from the parties beginning to end the complain even more when under the influence. If you tell them you like the mixed drinks they will tell you how much they suck and how much the ones in panama city were better. You tell them you aced the mid-term they'll tell you how everyone failed the final last year... Why They Suck: They are vampires sucking the joy out of everything. They destroy positive atmospheres.

4. Judgemental Joey... These people think they are so smart, deep, and intellectual and when other people thinks something is hilarious, funny or cute they find it strange, weird or idiotic. They try to correct others grammar at parties, look down upon those who aren't like them and if someone different they find it disturbing and wrong. Why They Suck: Judgemental Joey's are similar to Debbie Downers except they are more cynical and intelligent. They don't really have close friends and when they hang out with others you understand why they are loners...
5. Ditsy Daisy's ... This group can be highly annoying.
They are or act innocent, dumb, and sensitive. Daisy's or so out of tune with the world partially because their vain, partially because their fake, and unintelligent. Sometimes being a Daisy can be an act crafted by many attractive females to get away with stupid, or inappropriate actions or comments. Why They Suck: They seem really fake, insincere and at times can be obnoxious. They can be total cock blocks or easy at parties just depends.

6. Disrespectful Darren's... These people do the most childish and disrespectful things at the most inappropriate times. They force themselves into situations that don't involve them and make dumb comments when asked their opinion. They sometimes use their physical stature to intimidate and persuade others. In essence, their like the bullies of the social gathering. Why They Suck: These people crave attention. They have no sense of boundaries, They don't respect others space, privacy, secrets, or feelings.

8. Creeping Carl's.... Well, hey most groups have one. Its that guy that leaches and prays on the drunken or even the sober. Everyone can be have a great time and he ruins it with one of his creeper comments or off the sexual innuendos that have nothing to do with the topic. Creeping Carl's are infamous for killing jokes and smelling girls hair when their not looking. Why They Suck: They make the females in the party uncomfortable, kill jokes and can ruin social gatherings.
9. Sober Saint Sarah... She is the girl that loves to "party" but proclaims loudly that she doesn't or no longer drinks or dances for personal and or religious purposes. They believe people no one longer respects them because their soberness; Sometimes they go as for a making fun of others in a drunken stupor or look down upon non sober antics if they go too far. Why They Suck: I respect that you don't drink but, you don't have to proclaim it or even or go party. They ruin the others fun.

11. Double Trouble "Dean and Diane".... They're usually a "new couple" they act like they've never been out before. Well, They more so act like they're not in public. They make out on couches, do body shots on back porches, and grind on the dance floor and it's like clock work you can find them in someones bed before 1 in the morning. Why They Suck: Nothings wrong with porn but, You don't want to watch your friends have sex.
12. Crying Callie.... They seem normal until about midnight, and as soon as the clock strikes they are crying. They're not sure why, but they can't stop. The demand attention and want others to join in on the depression. Don't try to comfort her, everything you say is going to be offense. Just leave her by themself, they'll hopeful stop, and nine times outta ten there is someone at the party who gets caught in their emotional web. Let them handle it. Why They Suck: Too Draining and too much drama.

13. Drunken Dave.... Drunken, incoherent and rambling about nothing and has random rages of violence. They are tanks and can down liqour and beer like champs. They rarely puke but can explode at randoms times. The best thing you can do with this person pass out. Why They Suck: Their just disturbing!!!
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P