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Journalismkidd: January 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

MoBap Meals (Just like mom used to make)


Missouri Baptist aka MoBap aka MBU has amazing meals and cafeteria services. I look forward to the beautiful faces of the young women that serve our meals and still maintain their charming attitudes and alluring smiles. They amaze me with the whimisical way the slop gravy over my yummy three day old crusty chicken and over cook my vegetables with delight. I appreciate the sastisfactory prices and the outstanding variety.

But, On a more serious note, MoBap's meal plans blow hardcore. The food is raunchy. Well, I'll call it like I see it (*Note much bias inserted, I was accused of trying to steal ice cream, fat guy go figure). Well, @ Missouri Baptist the food is decent on Monday and Tuesday the patties slightly fresh and vegetables still yummy directly from the can and the bread semi soft. Well as the week continues and the food becomes more and more shitty and the cafeteria workers become more and more creative. Then crusty chicken patties, become hot sauce soaked patties, then chicken strips and the beef chunks (Don't ask me how its unknown MBU magic). The chicken wings turn into hot wings, sweet and sour wings, salad toppings and then a chicken soup. That is creativity at its finest... How someone can turn decent chicken patties into hardened gross beef chunks in one week is unknown to me.

In my personal opinion, the fries and salad bar are the perks of MoBap's wide assortment of entrees. The soups look like either urine or cat vomit depending on the day, I never have been daring enough to try and taste. The pasta taste like mush and looks like some unexplainable creation you would make in a middle school home economics class or something you would dare your friend to eat that you found behind the clubhouse when you were tweleve. And then, theres the fresh never ripe fruit to be honest it's the best deal, if your lucky you can fine one that's not overrippened or prayerfully not tainted by unwashed hands of others.

Then the pricing and serving amount. The portions are actually good, the willing, happily and readily slop junk on usual clean plates (thats a whole other story). They usually give you more the kinder you are or if you entertain them with exciting small talk. The pricing for the products well food if you wanna call it that is ridiculous. 6 pieces of ravioli for 2.25= insane. 1.75 for one egg roll= crazy. Seeing Nana "the funny black lady" everyday= priceless.

Most of the cafeteria workers have stink attitudes with underlying suspicsion in their eyes. Who the hell would steal a beef chunk? hahaha

My advice bring your lunch or use a vending machine or if you live in the dorms move out or if your broke starve because the MoBap cafeteria is hell, hell with potatoes and gravy on the side.

Good Eating,

Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P

The Matchmaker


I played Matchmaker this last weekend. My good friend Marissa had just broken up with her slightly homosexual ex boyfriend and was looking for someone new, more masculine, and slighty more confident. Marissa was who is sometimes socially awkward wanted me to help her find someone or something to occupy her time. At first I was kinda annoyed. Then kinda flattered and decided that I could at least set her up with one of my wrestling buddies who was as equally as socially inept and a mildy entertaining. Spaw hahahah Jason Spaw lol. Spaw is hella chill, I'm pretty sure he hated me @ the begining of the semester for three main reasons:

1. I punched him in the face and gave him a black eye "umm I don't remeber doing this"

2. I thought we didn't have much in common ( found to be untrtue)

3. My mean sense of humour and constant jokes (hahahah)

But, with this said and me turning a new leaf I got to know Spaw-Spaw a lil' better. He's hella chill and we went through alot of the same bs growing up (ENOUGH said). Anyways, I knew Spaw was looking 4 a girl and it was weird, because homeboy was lookin' for a relationship not a hookup which I couldn't understand, since I haven't been single and mingling for a while. But, Anyways I hooked up Geek one with Geek 2 and they made me the third wheel. I guess She wanted to make sure he wasn't a creeper, a douchebag, or had herpes ;) lol. But the started hitting it off. I TRIED to say as little as possible, and when I became apparent that they wanted to bone or talk about bonin' I decided to leave.
I kinda feel good that they both found someone. At least, found someone to talk to and be with 4 the moment and I don't have to play psychologist in my single friends relationships like I usually do. They both have big amounts of baggage, but I'll be damned if I get involved in that.
Goodluck guys,


Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Saint Louis Drivers

Its Snowing

No School, No Practice, Lots of fun....
I live approxitmately 8.5 miles away from my college Missouri Baptist University.
It usually takes about ten minutes to there if I take HWY 141. Trust me I'm getting to the point.
Well, Saint Louis drivers suck. They don't know how to drive in anything other than "perfect" weather. And the funny part is we're landlocked and we have unpredictable, crappy weather.
Saint Louis driver's become frienzied when rain, ice, sleet or snow hit the ground. I viewed over 5 accidents in my way home from school. It's kinda a crazy notion. My dad's theory is that every so often ( cycles of 2 or 3 years). It doesn't snow or blizzard and then Saint Louis gets a really bad one and unexperienced drivers are left dumbfounded. He maybe right because a monotheistic outlook on Saint Louis drivers is wrong. There are some good Saint Louis drivers lol but most just aren't from here lol. I have know room to talk I got in an accident two weeks ago. But, hey I'm just observant. The next time, it snows a little be cautious but don't drive like the sky is falling, the world is ending and that your about to die. At the same time be sane and don't "put the pedal to the medal. Be a Smart driver, Not a typical Saint Louis driver...

Love U Guys,
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P

Friday, January 23, 2009


MISSOURI BAPTIST UNIVERSITY aka MOBAP aka MBU is amazing (*note the sarcasm.) This schoool has tons of events from the weekly bible studies in the Perk to the amazing basketball games. There is always high student attendance at these exciting functions. The cheerleaders are great. Personally, I believe the cheerleaders should get more recongnition because those high kicks and cart-wheels are grade A, olympic material.


On a more serious note The Perk is useless. The Perk is an never packed coffeehouse on the Missouri Baptist campus. The drinks are too expensive for the college budget and they taste like dirt. The prepackaged muffins are huge and kinda good but, over priced. The only thing The Perk is useful for is the weekly bible studies that only fifteen percent of the student body attends or for upper middle class or wealthy staff to spend their money on. I believe this building was a waste of time effort and money but, hey i'm only a dumb college kid.

Then, there's the "weight room" it's really sad, semi-pathetic and hidden for a reason. I wish the tour guide during my visit wouldn't have forgotten this room. It's hard to explain the look of the "weight room" without inserting my bias or seeming over dramatic because it just happens to be that shitty. It has a fifteen person max and you must leave for belongings outside or in our schools locker room (there are no lockers). The equipment is either rusted, dated, or broken. But, if you have nowhere else to lift do what you gotta do.

And then there's the exciting MoBap weekends.... There there awesome, when you want to be surronded by the same people you see day in and day out in school, practice, and lunch. The best MoBap weekend I had was not being at MoBap. A roadtrip to Mizzou was pretty sweet.

If I ever wanted to punish someone I loved I'd send them to MoBap. It's a baptist prison. But, some people like being caged. I don't.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ABC News: Obama's Address: 'We Must Pick Ourselves Up'

ABC News: Obama's Address: 'We Must Pick Ourselves Up'

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Britney Spears is the epitome of controversy and the reason that celebrities have lost there role model status for and acceptable and expected one of drugs, rehab, sex tapes, more rehab, lawsuits, family intervention, even more rehab and a hopefully renewed social status and career. Mrs. Spears new album was okay, I guesss. I'm not really a big fan of repeatitive lyrics, heavy 808's and overrated, over publicized artists. Her latest singles include Womanizer, Circus and up and Coming "If U Seek Amy". Womanizer= Repeative useless anarchic techno wannabe dance lyrics with no soul. Circus= Rich in meaning, a spectacle and worthy of the standards held to this icon. If U seek Amy is a play a pathetic play on words. Say the song title fast "F U C Kay Me".... Wow Spears you are really creative... well your producers and writers are.... She's tried lol but trying just isn't enough. Lets hope the video is at least decent. The lyrics are addicting though. Unfortunately, I can't get them out of my head........

HERALD SUN ARTICLE:US radio stations threatened to ban Britney's If U Seek Amy, her third single from the album. There's no four-letter swear word but fairly obviously an unsubtle title. "But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy," is also the catchy hook to the song and another bone of contention for radio. Gallery: Britney Spears seeking pop salvation Hot gallery: Britney's comeback at MTV Awards Britney also knows that her music's target is young women and schoolgirls. Mothers have written they don't want their daughters to be singing the song. Fearing the backlash of releasing the song in the controversy and about to embark on a world tour, Britney has, according to The Sun newspaper, altered the title. The song is now called If You See Amy.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Real World 21 Brooklyn

Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.


The Real World: Brooklyn is the upcoming twenty-first season of MTV's reality television series The Real World, which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships


Devyn Simone- high maintenece, suburban raised African-American female with an agenda. I probably would have been friends with her in high school just becuase she's hot and I bet money she was a cheerleader. She is very articulate, quick-witted and somewhat pretentious.... Damn she kinda annoying (nice the boobs tho) btw there fake.

Next is Baya Voce is cute. She is like the only non Morman in Salt Lake City, Utah aka home and safe haven of the Ladder-day Saints. She is ultra liberal. Raised by hippies parents and embracing the hip hop culture as a young teen she was mocked. She is and activist and environmentalist. She also has a dark side (years of depression and panic attacks). She seems chill. I hope the other extreme personalities dont run her over.

Then theres Scott.. the stereotypical jock. According to the previews there is something deeper. A nice person... I guess. He will eventually no doubt hookup with Devyn or Baya. He is a gentleman and a conflict mediator. He is a model and has worked at a gym since fourteen. Let's give the meathead a chance there might be substance. Personally i'm predicting a douche bag.

Soon after on the list of roommates is Sarah. She is a former hardcore lesbian turned bisexual... see Marissa it can happen. She is covered in ink hates pink and sports dark hair. She claims to hate drama but it seems to follow and that she is stereotyped as being a bad ass and freak because of her looks. She seems down for whatever and can still sport her heavy eyeliner. I could totally chill with her. I hope her past doesnt come to haunt her. I have a feeling she has alot of secrets.

In my personal opinion the next guy not about shit.... He seems boring, shady and gay. It's JD the token "gay dude". He claims his father beat him and it made him the person he was today... what a homo? jk but seriously he just seems too mature, too boring, and too blah for the Real World. I dont wanna watch Reality Tv about someone who already has the life together. Damn it I wanna see it fall apart and have them rebuild it. Go back to your dolphin job JD its the only cool thing about you.

Then theres Ryan a semi normal dude with a temper and the tendency to be the class clown. He is a total bro but, its okay because he plays guitar and sports a nice pair of berks. He inlisted in the Army at 17 and is suprisingly really deep. He write poetry, music and is working on a book will see how that goes. I think any normal person could sit down with him and have a beer and some civil conversation. He seems deep and funny, but not so damn deep im bored i.e. JD!!!Watch him I think him and Baya might have something.

Then there is Chet. He comes across as a tool and most people that I know wouldnt even talk to or acknowledge him. But, I think if you give him a chance you will realize you probably were RIGHT!!! He is a blonde, conservative, skinny jeans wearing,virgin, mormon, republican, poser, punk. But, he seems genuinely nice and sincere which is are traits hard to found nowadays. He would totally stop to help someone with a spare tire then tell them about the book of mormon. Mormans kinda scare me and I personally believe their beliefs are wack but hey, to each his own. Chet will NOT get laid this season...

Ummm lastly the X factor the eighth member of the season his, her, well their name is Katelynn. A self proclaimed computer geek and karate enthusist They were born a man and has gone through alot physically (duh!) and emotionally during their change. They will bring a new audience and a new outlook to this Cast WOW... who ever thought thered be a tranny on the REAL WORLD.... Damn

I wanna see how this plays out?

*Journalismkidd the voice for the underground bitches