I played Matchmaker this last weekend. My good friend Marissa had just broken up with her slightly homosexual ex boyfriend and was looking for someone new, more masculine, and slighty
more confident. Marissa was who is sometimes socially awkward wanted me to help her find someone or something to occupy her time. At first I was kinda annoyed. Then kinda flattered and decided that I could at least set her up with one of my wrestling buddies who was as equally as socially inept and a mildy entertaining. Spaw hahahah Jason Spaw lol. Spaw is hella chill, I'm pretty sure he hated me @ the begining of the semester for three main reasons:

1. I punched him in the face and gave him a black eye "umm I don't remeber doing this"
2. I thought we didn't have much in common ( found to be untrtue)
3. My mean sense of humour and constant jokes (hahahah)
But, with this said and me turning a new leaf I got to know Spaw-Spaw a lil' better. He's hella chill and we went through alot of the same bs growing up (ENOUGH said).
Anyways, I knew Spaw was looking 4 a girl and it was weird, because homeboy was lookin' for a relationship not a hookup which I couldn't understand, since I haven't been single and mingling for a while. But, Anyways I hooked up Geek one with Geek 2 and they made me the third wheel. I guess She wanted to make sure he wasn't a creeper, a douchebag, or had herpes ;) lol. But the started hitting it off. I TRIED to say as little as possible, and when I became apparent that they wanted to bone or talk about bonin' I decided to leave.

I kinda feel good that they both found someone. At least, found someone to talk to and be with 4 the moment and I don't have to play psychologist in my single friends relationships like I usually do. They both have big amounts of baggage, but I'll be damned if I get involved in that.
Goodluck guys,
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P
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