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Journalismkidd: Real World 21 Brooklyn

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Real World 21 Brooklyn

Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.


The Real World: Brooklyn is the upcoming twenty-first season of MTV's reality television series The Real World, which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships


Devyn Simone- high maintenece, suburban raised African-American female with an agenda. I probably would have been friends with her in high school just becuase she's hot and I bet money she was a cheerleader. She is very articulate, quick-witted and somewhat pretentious.... Damn she kinda annoying (nice the boobs tho) btw there fake.

Next is Baya Voce is cute. She is like the only non Morman in Salt Lake City, Utah aka home and safe haven of the Ladder-day Saints. She is ultra liberal. Raised by hippies parents and embracing the hip hop culture as a young teen she was mocked. She is and activist and environmentalist. She also has a dark side (years of depression and panic attacks). She seems chill. I hope the other extreme personalities dont run her over.

Then theres Scott.. the stereotypical jock. According to the previews there is something deeper. A nice person... I guess. He will eventually no doubt hookup with Devyn or Baya. He is a gentleman and a conflict mediator. He is a model and has worked at a gym since fourteen. Let's give the meathead a chance there might be substance. Personally i'm predicting a douche bag.

Soon after on the list of roommates is Sarah. She is a former hardcore lesbian turned bisexual... see Marissa it can happen. She is covered in ink hates pink and sports dark hair. She claims to hate drama but it seems to follow and that she is stereotyped as being a bad ass and freak because of her looks. She seems down for whatever and can still sport her heavy eyeliner. I could totally chill with her. I hope her past doesnt come to haunt her. I have a feeling she has alot of secrets.

In my personal opinion the next guy not about shit.... He seems boring, shady and gay. It's JD the token "gay dude". He claims his father beat him and it made him the person he was today... what a homo? jk but seriously he just seems too mature, too boring, and too blah for the Real World. I dont wanna watch Reality Tv about someone who already has the life together. Damn it I wanna see it fall apart and have them rebuild it. Go back to your dolphin job JD its the only cool thing about you.

Then theres Ryan a semi normal dude with a temper and the tendency to be the class clown. He is a total bro but, its okay because he plays guitar and sports a nice pair of berks. He inlisted in the Army at 17 and is suprisingly really deep. He write poetry, music and is working on a book will see how that goes. I think any normal person could sit down with him and have a beer and some civil conversation. He seems deep and funny, but not so damn deep im bored i.e. JD!!!Watch him I think him and Baya might have something.

Then there is Chet. He comes across as a tool and most people that I know wouldnt even talk to or acknowledge him. But, I think if you give him a chance you will realize you probably were RIGHT!!! He is a blonde, conservative, skinny jeans wearing,virgin, mormon, republican, poser, punk. But, he seems genuinely nice and sincere which is are traits hard to found nowadays. He would totally stop to help someone with a spare tire then tell them about the book of mormon. Mormans kinda scare me and I personally believe their beliefs are wack but hey, to each his own. Chet will NOT get laid this season...

Ummm lastly the X factor the eighth member of the season his, her, well their name is Katelynn. A self proclaimed computer geek and karate enthusist They were born a man and has gone through alot physically (duh!) and emotionally during their change. They will bring a new audience and a new outlook to this Cast WOW... who ever thought thered be a tranny on the REAL WORLD.... Damn

I wanna see how this plays out?

*Journalismkidd the voice for the underground bitches


  1. Devyn is HOT! R u sure those are fake?

  2. Journalismkidd, did you even graduate from high school? Your grasp of the English language is pathetic.
