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Journalismkidd: mOBap R3LAtiOnShiPs

Monday, February 2, 2009

mOBap R3LAtiOnShiPs

I am no relationship expert to say the LEAST ( going through some shakiness right now anyway nuff said), but I have observed the relationships that occur at MoBap. I've yet to see a healthy one or one that seems even close to normal. It's like drama left and right and some how with my big ass mouth I seem to get involved or if I don't comment people say I'm not acting myself or that I'm being fake or distant (but, thats a Whole other story). Well, most of these relationships end up being but of jokes or just so ridiculous that others become infatuted with the dumbfounded lovers next move or even a school legend that you can never live down i.e. "sex in the woods on the first day of school." At Missouri Baptist University you're living in a fish tank especially when in a relationship. Know that at Missouri Baptist you will be judged, people will stare, and don't you dare have any overlapping body parts because you maybe reported our dicsiplined by the staff. I know it's worse than high school everyone knows everyone, they know what your doing and who. As my friend Anton would say "WeLcoMe 2 mOBap". It's kinda sad but, at the sametime so entertaining.

Heres Some of the kinda fuckd up Relationships that roam this campus:

And I'm not gonna name drop which was suggested but I will tag u haha you know who u r

1. The "UnDerCoVer LoVers": To me this one is the most pathetic. No not pathetic... sad. I know you guys don't want anyone in your business and y'all try to act real discreet or sometimes you'll even have the audacity to say "We're just friends" when in all reality everyone knows "Y'all just fuckin". It's cool though I would probably wanna be undercover too if I had a realtionship with someone @ MoBap. Just know we know ;)

2. The "DrAmA FiLLed". This relationship is the most entertaining and just happens to occur most @ our lovely university. It usually happens with theres inter sport realtionships. Why a wrestlergirl would wanna date a wrestlerguy is beyond me... y'all could suplex each other jk or a volleyball guy and a volleyball girl wtf? are y'all gonna do each others nails jk ;)...m And most the drama occurs when one or more in the relationship are intoxicated. It's sad yet so funny. The "drama filled" usually tells everyone their business and seeks counsel from me and other friends. And if they get paranoid, they intrapt friends and use them as spies. These break ups are the worse and can divide teams haha are lunch tables. :P

3. "The Slut". Just to start off guys can be sluts too but less common. Well, some say it's hard to be a slut @ MoBap but its not as hard as you think. Every team has one one. Here are some signs of a slut: A. Sex in Public (woods) B. Sex first day you meet someone C. Sex with more than one person in a week. D. If you have a STD or every had a STD (mat herpes doesn't count) E. You have taken plan b more than twice. F. You don't know anyone sluttier than you.

4. "ThE CLiNgY & ThE PLaYa" This happens sometimes. I rarely see it but, I heard it runs rampid with the basketball players. It's usually a guy (sometimes a girl) who just wants to have fun, usually lookin' 4 sex or just an f-buddy and then they meet the clingy, usually a virgin or just very insecure thinking they can meet no one else. In the end the Playa becomes know as an asshole and the Clingy as Phsyco. hahaha shit hapens :D

5. "Normal Realtionship" Hahhah doesn't exist... wait Shamaine and Woody. Well Woody just transfered this semester so It don't count....

MoBap relationships are wacked, but hey so is are school... have fun
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P

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