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Journalismkidd: U kN0w Yu'R3 @ mObAp...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

U kN0w Yu'R3 @ mObAp...


YOU know you're @ Missouri Baptist University student when...

1. The highlight of your "school" day is Chapel

2. You know the names of over half your gradutaing class

3. You have an assigned table @ lunch based on your sport or activity

4. You've given the eViL eye to the "mean" douche bag security guard not the "nice" one

5. You skip one class to write a paper for another

6. You have the inate ability to turn any innocent game or actvity n2 a drinking game

7. You're jealous of Lindenwood, but probably would never admit it outloud

8. You will never forget your cellphone/but can't remeber paper 4 class

9. You get depressed when u walk into the weight room

10. You get even more depressed when u walk in the gym

11. You save number's in yo phone like Religious Riley, Slutty Sarah and Alcohol Guy

12. You avoid the Perk unless Salzer is singing @ OpEn Mic

13. You got jacked up on Mountain Dew or Diet Dew (at least once)

14. You've stolen food 4rm the cafe, had food stolen 4rm the cafe or have seen food stolen 4rm the cafe

15. You tell People about Your school they say "Huh? Say that again? What is THAT?"

16. You've never gotten lost on campus

17. You get highly annoyed by Dr. Chambers and have observed how tight those buttons are on his stomach.

18. The lunchroom is also a multipurpose room and lounge

19. You can count the number of normal coples on one hand

20. You have to drive off campus to practice

21. Your teacher brings in their sick kids for students to babysit
22. The guest speaker at Chapel asks if he is speaking to the senior class and the president replies that it is the whole school
23. "remember whens" are your specialty
24. You wish your tour guide/ and recuiter was honest

25. You don't date anyone from your school because you already feel related

26. You thought it was a joke when they said we don't believe in dancing

Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P

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