Underaged Drinking, well in college it's going to happen, especially in a school like MOBAP where you have to create your own fun. I don't condone it haha but, I have to acknowledge that it exist especially with the the rampid and hilarious drama and/or antics that occur while people are wasted. There are many reasons people drink, someone even said "they do it to get through the day, because hell it's MOBAP." There also a vast variety of ways people react or act when under the influence of alcohol. If your a college drinker you probably fall under one of these ten catergories haha and maybe if your a real badass you've fallen into each one of the catergories in a single weekend...
The Depressed/Suicidal Drinker: Your life is in a state of so-called "crisis", at least that's what you believe because your trashed. Maybe you've recently been dumped via Facebook, been blamed for stealing from the dorms, owe your friends over 500$ in back rent, or maybe you just failed an exam for a class you though you would ace. Your sensitive as hell, shit if your a guy you probably cry and blackout and if your a chick you probably do the same accept with more witnesses. Key Motivation: Nothing feels that bad when you have Smirnoff running through your veins.
The Relaxer: Your favorite phrases are " I just wanna get loose" or " I'm only buzzed". You usually work really hard and spread out your drinks so you don't get too wasted. You can be a douche bag and make fun of your plastered friends. your usually really busy even on weekends with an hectic schedule from sports, a shitty job to crazy roommates who never do dishes and invite over the univited. Alot of the time your either too busy to drink or too broke. Key Motivation: To escape the madness, to chill, to make fun of toasted friends.
Party Boy/Girl: Dollar pitchers on Mondays, Body shots on Tuesday. Tiki Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, House party Fridays, Tailgates on Saturdays, and just because there is no school Sundays. You might be an alcoholic or just have a drinking problem, but you defintly drink entirely too much. You drink for fun, damn you can't have fun without it. Key Motivation: Not to remember Thursday through Monday and have fun!

The Bonding Bro: You are really annoying. Your favorite phrases are "Bro." and "I love you, man". You are really touchy feely with friends and tell life stories and cry and talk about philosphical shit when trashed. yo constantly embrace friends and remind them how much you love them and how wasted you are. You binge drink and your the king of the keggars. Key Motivation: Alcohol is the rope that ties everyone together, and you freakin' love your homeboys "no homo".
The Conformist/The Fake Drinker: Your annoying too. You either drink because everyone else is or you act drunk from two beers. You volunteer to be the designated driver at slamming parties, your a follwer. You figure everyone else is doing power hour, why not you? That's what college is about, getting trashed with friends? Key Motivations: Hey everyone else is, why the hell not?/ I can't get too trashed.
The "Slut": Again for the record guys can be sluts too, it's just less common. The slut is usually single or in a emotionally fucked up relationship.They drink for freedom, to drop inhabitions, and for attention. The slut looses all shame after the first shot. The slut kisses random people and usually by the end of the night has a make out partner, cuddle buddy, or hook up friend. The sluts tend to be self absorbed and drink to cover up insecurities. Key Motivations: To get rid of inhabitions and pesky morals, You think drinking gives you the right to be a whore.
The Binger: Drinks whenever there are large groups of people around (house parties, tailgates, bars, clubs, at home with his 6 roommates... that's why he has 6 roommates) He drinks ridiculous amounts of liquor and has constant mood swings because of the large amounts consumed. The binger can go weeks without drinking and then down a fifth of Jose with no problem. Key Motivation: Everyone loves everyone so much more when liquor is involved. And You party hard.
The Boredom Drinker: Your kinda funny, you drink by yourself while some of your friends are getting wasted at a keg party. You like drinking alone no one can take advantage of you and you like it quiet. Or you may have a 30 minute break between class and decide to get jacked up on diet Mountain Dew. Key Motivation: Booze passes the time and watching TBS with some Jack Daniels sounds more fun to you than getting into a drunken fight at a bar.
The "Douche" bag: You think your bad ass, but you really cannot handle your liquor. As a result of you escapades alot can happen from puking to fighting, pissing yourself or pissing on others. Your favorite phrases include " Look how much I can drink bro.", "I dare you to fight me I'm schwasted.", "Watch me chug this shit bro, beer bong". You think your macho, but you have the liquor tolerance of a 12 year old anorexic girl. Key Motivation: A definite need for attention, the urge to prove that you can drink more vodka and beer than anyone around.
The Alcoholic: Yolu have a problem, you drink for fun, you drink when upset and if your not wasted you feel like theres a problem. You lost all control of their drinking habits. Since the drink has become a drug, or a medication to pain, it can become highly addictive. Drinking interfers with with your life and theres nothing funny about your problem at all.
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P