I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P
Hey, It's Journalismkidd here. I just wanted to greet my fellow Generation Y'ers and explain what my blog would be about. Well of course it will recap the legendary and iconic things that are happening during this period of change(i.e.President-elect Barack Obama,the importance of the ipod, and upcoming musical artist) and the drama that 'tends to sneak into my life. Keep Reading Journalismkidd
Oh, Facebook. You cyberland of rampant narcissism and wasted time I love you. What started out as a social networking site for college kids has somehow turned into a cesspool of self-absorbed way-too-old-to-be-fucking-around-on-Facebook adults who think that the rest of us actually give a shit about what they're drinking, eating, thinking, reading, watching, and/or are listening to every five minutes. Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.
I'm Derrick aka Journalismkidd "Voice for the Underground Bitches" :P
13. Tom Cruise
No Explaination needed21. Your teacher brings in their sick kids for students to babysit
22. The guest speaker at Chapel asks if he is speaking to the senior class and the president replies that it is the whole school
23. "remember whens" are your specialty
24. You wish your tour guide/ and recuiter was honest
25. You don't date anyone from your school because you already feel related
26. You thought it was a joke when they said we don't believe in dancing
Generation Y is harder to define,but not to rationalize.Then theres Scott.. the stereotypical jock. According to the previews there is something deeper. A nice person... I guess. He will eventually no doubt hookup with Devyn or Baya. He is a gentleman and a conflict mediator. He is a model and has worked at a gym since fourteen. Let's give the meathead a chance there might be substance. Personally i'm predicting a douche bag.
Soon after on the list of roommates is Sarah. She is a former hardcore lesbian turned bisexual... see Marissa it can happen. She is covered in ink hates pink and sports dark hair. She claims to hate drama but it seems to follow and that she is stereotyped as being a bad ass and freak because of her looks. She seems down for whatever and can still sport her heavy eyeliner. I could totally chill with her. I hope her past doesnt come to haunt her. I have a feeling she has alot of secrets.